Author: Laura Sowdon

Defeating Sexism and Gender Inclusion

Okay, forgive my bluntness, but there are some key differences in leading girls vs. boys. In big, general terms that don’t apply to every scout, girls and boys tend to have some differences in where they most need us as leaders to push them along. Part of the challenge of the program we offer, is that we have mixed gender...

I’m going to keep flying the US flag, and here’s why

As I watched the terrorists and their many flags storm the capitol, I was horrified. They waved a lot of flags, one of which was the actual American flag. But despite that, my group will still be flying the American flag the next time we camp. Those crazy people don’t change how we feel about flying the American flag.  ...

What does it take to be an OSG leader?

I’ve asked this question a lot! What do you need to have to be a great scout leader?  Here are ten of my favorite answers from a variety of wonderful Outdoor Service Guides leaders! A Sense of Humor!         A good rain coat!   A sense of fun!    Sturdy, waterproof boots!  A desire to learn and...

Bears, Bears, Bears!

Learning about animals is a traditional part of scouting that our scouts have enjoyed. While you can actually visit domesticated animals and track some wild animals, not all are safe for that type of lesson.  Our group has really enjoyed learning about bears and I recently came across this packet of pages that you can use with your group to...

Paracord Bracelets: Kit It Up

With scouts still doing many meetings over zoom, what new ideas have you come up with? The 17th BlackBear pathfinders asked to make paracord bracelets. And as a scout led organization, the adults worked to help make that happen. Scout leader Richard Sowdon, created kits with buckles, and pre-fused paracord and mailed them to his pathfinders.  Cord colors were in...

New Otters!

Despite the pandemic the 901st Buffalo group in Bartlett, TN has hit the ground running with the newest group in the South!  Thanks so much, GSM Aislinn for sharing these pictures of your otters meeting outside in masks.  Way to be Busy and Bright!  

17th BlackBears: Fall 2020

We love seeing what all our groups are doing in the South! It inspires us all to see what is working for other groups.  If you have pictures of your group to share- please send them to us at These are a few high lights from the 17th Black Bears this fall. Wearing masks and social distancing while in...

Where To Camp?

As an OSG leader, one of your goals is probably taking the group camping. You probably even know a place or two you can go. However, as your group grows, you are going to want some ideas for exploring further afield.  What to do? National Parks Camping in a National Park is a very reliable way to find group camping....

Trebuchet Trouble: A Miniature Pioneering Project

What do the Pathfinders at the 17th Black Bears think sounds fun? Pioneering and Medieval Warfare of course! So, scoutmaster Richard Sowdon has been working on creating kits for every scout to work on these important skills! As part of their distance scouting program this fall, the Pathfinder scouts of the 17th will be given kits and directions to create...