Tagged: pathfinders

Pathfinders: Embroidery

One of my favorite meetings of the year, is our December meeting. This is my favorite for two reasons. One, is that we usually do our fall community service project then. The other, is that we use it as an excuse to make crafts. Crafting I love crafting with our guides, and in December you can make a ton of...

Exploring the New Pathfinder Materials

If you have been around OSG for a while, you are probably aware that our new Pathfinder Handbook has been a long time coming!  The committee to rewrite that handbook formed in 2019 and spent countless hours writing, rewriting, debating and designing a new handbook that went far beyond the previous handbook. If you have not yet gotten a copy,...

First Class Ceremony

First class Ceremony Baden Powel said “When a [child] has become a First-class Scout — but not before then – [they have] got a grounding in the qualities, mental, moral, and physical, that go to make a good useful [adult].” The original First-Class Requirements Swim 50 yards, send and receive a message in Semaphore or Morse go on a fourteen-mile...

Games for Scouts

As part of a happy and healthy Outdoor Service Guides group, you should plan for your guides to have a lot of fun. One easy way to make every meeting more fun, is to start with a game! This is a list of games that work well for groups of guides. There are Icebreakers for the start of the year,...

Pathfinders: Making Maps

There are lots of good reasons to work on making maps, and several badges now require it for pathfinders. But how do you make it fun? Because scouting is a game we are playing, and we want our pathfinders to enjoy their meetings, as well as learn from them. One thing that it is important to remember, is that you...

New Pathfinder Badges and Awards- A How To For Leaders

PLEASE NOTE: Since the publication of this post, the Pathfinder Handbook has been published. You can learn more about it here in the announcement on the OSG website. Hopefully you have seen the Pathfinder Handbook Prerelease of 3 chapters of our new handbook. If you have, you’ve seen that there are 101 new badges, plus pins, special awards and other...

First Archer Badges Awarded

PLEASE NOTE: Since the publication of this post, the Pathfinder Handbook has been published. You can learn more about it here in the announcement on the OSG website. Congratulations to the Pathfinders of the 64th Brandywine, in Pennsylvania! Seven of them have been awarded the New Archer Badge in the updated Pathfinder Handbook. They are the first OSG pathfinders to...

Bronze Arrow Training: An Awesome Weekend for Pathfinders!

What is Bronze Arrow Training? It is an Outdoor Service Guides weekend created especially for our Pathfinders! This special weekend is designed for Pathfinders who have earned Second Class and are patrol leaders, assistant patrol leaders, or are interested in being a patrol leader, to learn about leadership. Scouts should come prepared to camp with Pathfinders from many other groups...

Community Gardening

In the spring, the 17th Black Bear Pathfinders got the chance to have a community garden plot to farm. They jumped at the chance! Getting outside together sounded fun. The Pathfinder patrols decided what to plant. They were enthusiastic about planting onions! Onions are a good spring or fall crop. The Leaders were skeptical but the onions grew well and...

Pathfinder Handbook Pre-Release!

PLEASE NOTE: Since the publication of this post, the Pathfinder Handbook has been published. You can learn more about it here in the announcement on the OSG website. In advance of the release of the completely new Pathfinder Handbook, the Pathfinder Handbook Committee, has created a set of new badges for our scouts to start earring right now! These badges...